This be the month of May, but what may happen in May may not be what I wanted. To my dismay I have maybe stretched the boundaries of clubbing mayhem and landed a sickness.
Envie opened last month and I have been a loyal, loyal supporter. When I say loyal I actually mean really really loyal. I did not go to any other bar except for Envie, not even across the steet to Frangipani or down the road to Twenty-One.
In early stages of Envie life I used to have a drink called Wrath. Then to support my boyfriend's cocktail I'd have one glass of 'Vietnamese Guerilla'. After we revised it I began ordering glass after glass after glass. Here is what it looks like. So if you see one of these at Envie you know what it is.
This brings me to my next issue of life.
Following many late nights at Envie + Vietnamese Guerilla x LOTS = sore throat. I did see a doctor but I neglected to care for my sickness and fell into a sicker well of cough and phleggmmm. *choke
And then there is this random picture when Mike and I shopped for Envie's Sunday barbecue for close friends & family. We shopped so much that our cart was full to the brim. No. It was full OVER the brim. We even had a leaky pack of chicken laying out a trickle of red road for other people to slip and fall on.
All in all for the sake of writing and because I got bored with my own work this has been a standard random post to entertain not you, but I who felt like I should blog a line or two.