Dec 15, 2008

My Saving Grace

It has been a long while since I have been writing on the walls of my dearly loved blog. But I felt an urge to begin something new.

To be honest the only reason as to why I came up with 'superity' is that I am Super Steph and I was thinking of McDonald's Prosperity burger.

I am so hungry right now but I know I need to hit the streets of Bangsar to get me some stationery for Christmas creativity - cards and such.

Speaking of Christmas, I have now grown up to earn my own keep. So it's right that I spread my greens around town. As if I have so much to spread. But I have been saving, kinda.

Ok I have not been saving. I went out with the purest intention to gift shop but I ended up shopping for me. A dress, cardigan, two stockings and a book later, I found myself back at my man's place trying everything on.

He said my dress looked like a bin liner, and that people will laugh at me if I wore it out. I cringed at that statement because when I tried it on at the shop it did look like a big black plastic bag that had been moulded into a dress. But I blamed the lighting. Apparently it had nothing to do with the lighting. It was the material. So without despair, I braved myself and proclaimed "This is my project dress. I can add things to it. Like a can can. Or lace. Or something." My man gave me a silent whatever look and drove on (as you can see I was pimping out my LBD from home to dinner)

I put on my new cardigan for him to hopefully ogle at. But he frowned at me and said "isn't that abit too tight for you? Oh my god look at the buttons!" and burst into a ball of laughter. I firmly explained that I had put on a lot of weight and I refuse to purchase something my size so that I can lose the access meat and fit comfortably back into a XS size.

I am determined.

So far nothing has happened and I am getting heavier as Christmas approaches. Woe is me, and woe is my belly.

OK I'm going to publish this for the sake of filling a blank space.